Suitable for all Malaysian students (Primary Standard 1 ~ Secondary Form 5)
- 100% Malaysia MOE syllabus, including HOTS/KBAT and iThink format.
- More comfortable learning environment
- Convenience & flexibility
- More interaction and greater ability to concentrate
- Students can learn anytime and anywhere
Subscription Fee:
RM388 nett (1 Student 1 Year Module)
~ RM32 per month all subjects
~ RM1.10 per day all subjects
- User Friendly & According to School Syllabus
- Colourful Contents & Abundant of Exercises for revision
- Interesting Video Learning & Animated Exercises
- Intelligent Subjective Format
- Detailed Report Card & Accumulated Study hours and Scores
- Quarterly Examination Available & Examination Countdown Timer
- Student Rewards Compaign
- Essay Writing
- Customize Mind Map & iThink Mind Map Format
- Dictionary with Pronunciation (English to Chinese & vice-versa)
- Instant Marking with Motivational Words in BM, BI & BC Languages
- Online & Offline Notes available
- Latest KBAT Format
- More than 600,000 Questions in the Question Bank
重磅消息!VSchool 系统包含了最热门的CEFR (Super Mind, Media Quiz 动画媒体练习).
️⭐彩色生动的内容 ➡️提升孩子的专注力
️⭐视频教学 ➡️让孩子通过视觉与听觉学习
️⭐重点笔记 ➡️让孩子直接复习课业重点
️⭐翻译,注释及发音 ➡️简易查寻字典
️⭐模拟考试及多样化习题 ➡️多练习,熟能生巧
️⭐即时批改习题 ➡️立刻纠正错误
️⭐作文与书写 ➡️提升孩子写作技巧
️⭐KBAT与iThink习题 ➡️提升孩子思考能力
️⭐详细Report Card ➡️掌握孩子的学习进度
网络教育也叫现代远程教育,它是近几年开始兴起的教育方式,就是通过互联网把全国最好的老师和实验室搬到每一个学生的家里,让学生们能随时随地的自修。网络教学提供了一种轻松自在的学习环境和优势,让学生能静下心来认真思考,仔细品味。 多元化的网络教育也助于启发学生的独立思考,积极思维,以便更有效的获取新知识并体会到快乐学习。
- 无须花钱购买作业及模拟习题
- 无须抽空批改孩子的作业就能获知孩子的弱点,再利用系统加强孩子较弱的环节。
- 一年RM388/module, 一天仅需RM1.10
- 小一至小六→全主科!
- 中一至中五→全主科!
- 六岁预备进入一年级的小朋友打好基础
** 根据教育部最新课程纲要
** 集合电子老师的教学、 影视教学、 重点教学、 立即翻译及注释、 模拟考试及习题、 Mind Map重点帮助复习等等。
** 孩子学习没烦恼,轻松学习考全A!!!
- 简易上手 & 绝对根据学校课程进度
- 彩色内容 & 多重习题
- 有趣短片学习 & 动画式习题
- 智能个人主观模式
- 详细的报告卡 & 累计学习时间及分数
- 季节性检测 & 考试倒数计时
- 学生奖励回馈运动
- 作文书写
- 自定式思维导图 & iThink 思维导图格式
- 发音词典
- 即时批改习题
- 网上及可下载资料
- 新 KBAT 格式
- 六十万道习题
*Frequent Ask Question
1. What is this about?
This is an online education business where we have a very unique learning program that follows 100% according to the government school syllabus specifically catered for standar 1 to form 5 students. We are looking for serious business partners who are interested in education and would like to have business opportunity for themselves. Do you or any of your friends have interests?
这是一个在线教育业务,我们有一个非常独特的学习系统,根据专为标准1年级到FORM 5学生的政府学校课程纲要,我们会遵循100%的学习计划。 我们正在寻找对教育感兴趣并且希望自己拥有商机的认真的商业伙伴。 您或您的任何朋友有兴趣吗?
2. How stable is this company and how runs the management ? Are they reliable or trustworthy?
TVS was established since 2009 and officially registered as Sdn Bhd in April 2017, eight years experience leading in the e-Learning industry. Founded by 3 doctors (Dr. Vivian Ker, Dr. Denise Lim & Dr. Eric Ang) who has more than 8 years experience in the MLM industry and they are recognized as top MLM millionaires who have been awarded with several outstanding achivements over the years in the e-Learning industry. Vkids Trend Sdn Bhd is specially formed as the marketing company for VSchool Trend Learning Program. We believe that under the 3 doctors' leadership, the company can succeed further long term.
2.该公司的稳定性如何以及如何运行管理? 它们可靠还是值得信赖?
TVS成立于2009年,并于2017年4月正式注册为Sdn Bhd,在电子学习行业拥有八年的经验。 由3位博士(Vivian Ker博士,Denise Lim博士和Eric Ang博士)创立,他们在传销行业拥有超过8年的经验,并且被公认为顶级MLM百万富翁,这些年来他们获得了多项杰出成就 在电子学习行业中。 Vkids Trend Sdn Bhd是VSchool学习系统的营销公司。 我们相信,在三位博士的领导下,公司可以长期成功。
3. What if I purchase this year, will it be upgraded to the next standard the following year?
Do not worry, our system will auto-upgrade to the following level every 1st of December each year. So, they can continuously use the program during year-end holidays. Furthermore, our system allows them to access 2 more additional lower level syllabuses for them to do revision.
不用担心,我们的系统会在每年的12月1日自动升级到下一个级别。 因此,他们可以在年底假期继续使用该系统。 此外,我们的系统允许他们访问另外2个较低级别的课程和习题,以便他们进行复习。
4. How about essays? Does your program contain essay formats?
Yes, we do have essay writing for your children to practise and we provide model answers for them to refer too upon submission so that they can have an idea on writing a good essay as well comparing their own writing with the model answer.
4.作文如何? 您的系统是否包含作文格式?
5. Nowadays, schools are using KBAT and iThink formats. Does your program follow the latest format and syllabus as well?
Yes, VSchool Trend Learning Program follows the latest syllabus, such as KSSR Semakan, CEFR, KSSSR, KSSM & KBSM. Based on the latest exam format, 80% focuses
5.如今,学校正在使用KBAT和iThink格式。 您的系统是否也遵循最新的格式和教学大纲?
是的,VSchool学习系统遵循最新的课程表,例如KSSR Semakan,CEFR,KSSSR,KSSM和KBSM。 根据最新的考试形式,80%的重点
6. How many questions do you have in the system? Is is updated? Will that be enough for my children?
We have more than 600,000 questions in our data bank and it is updated constantly. We will also teach your children on how to use the program effectively with a proper formula and a time table will be assigned to them after registration.
6.您在系统中有几个问题? 是更新吗? 这对我的孩子来说足够了吗?
我们的数据库中有超过600,000个习题,并且会不断更新。 我们还将教您的孩子如何使用正确的公式有效使用该程序,并在注册后为他们分配时间表。
7. If they use this program, does it mean I do not have to send my children to the tuition centre anymore ?
It is up to you, but please be reminded that this program is not to replace school or tuition centre, it is a supplement for them in case they do not understand or have difficulties catching up with lessons in school or tuition centre. With our program, they can easily refer to the important notes or videos on the topic which they do not understand. Furthermore, with our detailed report card, parents and teachers can easily identify which topic or subject they are weak in and provide help immediately.
这取决于您,但请注意,该系统并不是要取代学校或补习中心,如果他们不了解或在学校或补习中心上课时遇到困难,这是对他们的补充。 使用我们的系统,他们可以轻松地参考他们不了解的重要笔记或视频。 此外,借助我们的详细成绩单,父母和老师可以轻松地确定自己所弱项或主题,并立即提供帮助。
8. My house does not have computer & Wi-Fi
Smartphones, tablets or any electronic device with Internet accessibility is sufficient to use our program. You can even download our notes and study off-line. You may use the school's computer classroom facilities too. Nowadays, PC & Wi-Fi are affordable. Your child's education is more important compared to all these misc. costs.
智能手机,平板电脑或任何可访问Internet的电子设备足以使用我们的系统。 您甚至可以下载我们的笔记并离线学习。 您也可以使用学校的电脑教室设施。 如今,PC和Wi-Fi负担得起。 与所有这些杂项相比,您孩子的教育更为重要。 费用。
9. I don't want my children to use the computer. Looking at the screen for long hours is not good for their eyes. Furthermore, they may get addicted to computer games later on.
Do not worry, we are aware taht children like to use the computer, thus if we let them study using the computer, it will definitely increase their interest for learning. Moreover, the use of computers & internet is already a necessary tool nowadays for children due to the advanced technology where learning through the internet is much faster and easier compared to the traditonal method. In fact, many principals have already implemented the wide usage of computers in their schools. So, you can start giving proper guidance for your children to use our program which has fun and interesting learning methods yet easily understandable.
Do not worry, it does not take much of their time to use our program, the maximum is only about 20 to 30 minutes a day (show timetable). Use the concept of Give & Take, e.g. once he has completed his exercises according to the time table, you may allow him to play some games as a reward because you can always view his results and progress in the report card.
9.我不希望我的孩子使用电脑。 长时间看屏幕对他们的眼睛不利。 此外,他们以后可能会沉迷于计算机游戏。
不用担心,我们知道孩子们喜欢使用电脑,因此,如果让他们使用电脑学习,肯定会增加他们的学习兴趣。 此外,由于先进的技术,与传统方法相比,通过互联网进行学习要快得多,如今,使用电脑和互联网已经成为当今儿童的必备工具。 实际上,许多校长已经在学校中实现了电脑的广泛使用。 因此,您可以开始为您的孩子提供适当的指导,以使其使用我们的程序,该程序既有趣又易于理解。
不用担心,使用我们的系统不需要花费很多时间,每天最多仅20至30分钟(显示时间表)。 使用「给予与接受」的概念,例如 一旦他按照时间表完成了练习,您就可以允许他玩一些游戏作为奖励,因为您始终可以在成绩单中查看他的成绩和进度。
10. The program is good, but it is slightly expensieve.
The breakdown of the selling price of RM388/ 12 months / 30 days= RM1.00 per day per child is actually not expensive at all compared to a cup of "Teh Tarik" or "Starbucks Coffee", it is much cheaper. Spending RM1.00 a day for all subjects for 1 year on your children's education is worth it than anything else.
每个孩子每年388令吉/ 12个月/ 30天=每人每天1令吉的售价,实际上比一杯“ Teh Tarik”或“ Starbucks Coffee”根本不贵,便宜得多。 每天花一令吉在所有科目上学习1年对于孩子的教育比其他任何事情都值得。
11. Your program is good, but i am worried that my children don't want to use it.
Do not worry, if they are given a choice to choose between books or computers, they will definitely choose computer for learning. With VSchool Learning Program they can have a simpler and easier way to study because all the important notes are provided for every topic based on the government schools syllabus. As parents, if we can afford, of course we will provide the best learning platform for our children.
Since you know about the VSchool Trend Program now, it is good to let your children try it out for 1 year and see if there is any imporvement during this period. Please gie them a chance to grab this opportunity to benefit them, is for you to decide. RM1.10 per day for all subjects is worth giving a try.
11. 您的系统很好,但是我担心我的孩子不想使用它。
不用担心,如果可以选择在 *书籍还是电脑* 之间进行选择,那么他们一定会选择电脑进行学习。 使用VSchool学习计划,他们可以有一种更简单的学习方式,因为所有重要的笔记都根据国家教育局学校的教学大纲提供给每个主题单元。 作为父母,如果我们负担得起的话,我们当然会为我们的孩子提供最佳的学习平台。
既然您现在了解VSchool趋势计划,最好让您的孩子试用1年,看看在此期间是否有任何改进。 请给他们一个抓住这个机会使他们受益的机会,由您决定。 每天RM1.10的所有课程都值得一试。
#sk #SJKC #SMK #UPSR #PT3 #SPM "